Work, Carnival, Girlfriend, and Bill Cosby

The concessions stand is up, the booths are almost done, and the weather is looking astonishingly good! CMU’s annual carnival starts tomorrow (read: tonight, once classes are over) and then ends on Saturday, giving us Sunday to tear everything down and get ready for school-as-usual on Monday. Justina gets in late tomorrow night and will be staying through until mid-day on Sunday. This means that all that stands between me and a weekend of fun is a bit more work on an essay of mine, dissecting the similarities and differences between scenes in two different Shakespeare plays. Until then… Time. Drags. On.
Today I tried to rid my MacBook Pro of all traces of InputManager hackery after seeing an SIMBL error in my console. I had thought that I had deleted SIMBL some months ago, so this was a bit suspicious. After some poking around, I realized that SIMBL had been re-installed by another program that I really like and, what’s more, that there’s a handful of programs that I don’t really care to live without on my computer that depend on this kind of black-magic. Once I discovered that Inquisitor, Chax, and even Quicksilver all require InputManager plugins to work, I threw in the towel and decided to fix the broken alias causing my SIMBL problems, resolve (finally) to downloading Visor like I had always wanted to, and embrace the world of doing-things-the-messy-way in OS X with open arms. Yay.
In other news, I’ll be graduating soon. To celebrate the occasion, CMU has made the pleasantly stunning move of booking one William Henry “Bill” Cosby as the commencement speaker. Amazing! This after last year’s protest-inducing Queen of Qatar ended miraculously without bloodshed. Good move, CMU. Not only did all of us grow up with Bill Cosby, he’s completely unhatable! I feel like maybe the school’s just trying to butter us up this time and not send us out the door on a bad note. They’d probably have gotten Mr. Rogers to speak if he weren’t already dead.
Oh well, I don’t really care. He’s Bill Cosby and that’s cool enough for me. He beats the pants off of all my friends’ graduation speakers.